Corolla is located in Corbett OR. This is land of the Cowlitz. people. Working on this land is an honor that isn’t taken lightly. This property has been in the hands of Hmong Flower Farmers for decades. I am humbled by the work and strive to continue to uphold and respect the care that has been given to this place.

My Mother Carol


My Oma whom I am named after Marianné.


I was born with a deep knowing of farming inside of me. Something I can not explain in words but know in practice. It is familiar work that I am grateful to do. I have never understood farming to be easy. Work is something I was taught at a young age, if given the the opportunity can be done with curiosity, creativity, humility and grace. Witnessing my mother navigate parenthood taught me this. She has always been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement in my farming practice. When deciding on the appropriate name for the farm I heard my Opa’s deep rolling voice calling out to my mother and me, Corolla.

Corolla is the crown of whorl of petals surrounding the flowers reproductive organs. Little crown. I feel honored to have access to this work and grateful to come from a long material line that have shown me a path.